[33] However, cellular and molecular as well as genetic mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of FCD type II are largely unknown. Currently, FCD is a heterogeneous group of disorders commonly associated with medically intractable epilepsy mainly in children. The cellular pathology of FCD can be stratified depending on whether or not certain specific microscopic abnormalities are noted in a given specimen. Mischel et al[54] reviewed over 70 examples of cortical dysplasia from young patients who underwent hemispherectomy or lobectomy, and the following eight major histopathologic
features were scored as being present or absent in each specimen: (i) cortical laminar disorganization (a defining feature of cortical dysplasia and hence present in all specimens) (Fig. 7); (ii) single heterotopic neurons within the deep white matter https://www.selleckchem.com/products/nutlin-3a.html or molecular layer (layer I) of the cortex (94.4%); (iii) neuronal cytomegaly (63.9%); (iv) neuronal cytoskeletal abnormalities;[69] (55.6%) (v) macroscopically visible neuronal heterotopias, usually p38 MAPK pathway in the subcortical white matter (40.3%); (vi) foci of polymicrogyria (PMG) (13.9%); (vii) neuroglial excrescences in the subarachnoid space (13.9%); and (viii) BCs (18.1%). Based on the presence or absence of various combinations of these histologic
features, individual cases were subclassified as being mild, moderate or severe in the first proposed grading system (Table 4).[54] Preliminary correlation of the severity of cortical dysplasia with clinical severity of the seizure disorder has shown that
mean preoperative seizure frequency correlated well with the histologic grade, and children with moderate or severe degrees of cortical dysplasia were more likely to have shown a preoperative neurologic deficit. Another study on cortical dysplasia cases in the UCLA pediatric and adult epilepsy surgery cohort Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease (n = 97) determined nine histopathologic elements, including: (i) cortical disorganization and dyslamination as an essential feature of cortical dysplasia; (ii) excessive heterotopic white matter neurons (99%); (iii) dysmorphic-cytomegalic neurons (52%); (iv) BCs (40%); (v) excessive heterotopic neurons in the cortical molecular layer (40%); (vi) marginal and nodular glioneuronal heterotopia (30%); (vii) polymicrogyria (27%); (viii) immature neurons (15%); and (ix) persistence of the subpial or superficial granular cell layer (8%).[70] Histograms of the frequency of patients with increasing histopathologic elements showed that most patients with cortical dysplasia had two to five (median: three) features of abnormal cortical development among these nine histopathologic elements. Furthermore, most patients with Palmini type I cortical dysplasia had two histopathologic elements (median: two), whereas patients with Palmini type II cortical dysplasia had a larger number of specific histological abnormalities (median: four).