All primers used in this study were designed using the online primer program Primer3 [67, 68] (Table 1). Protein and nucleotide sequence analysis and construction of phylogenetic tree All strains and proteins, together with their GenBank accession Crenigacestat manufacturer number, used in this study are shown Mocetinostat datasheet in Table 2[69–87]. Protein sequences used for the phylogenetic tree were retrieved from the NCBI database [88]. All alignments were performed in
BioEdit version [89] using ClustalW multiple alignment and the resulting alignment were corrected manually. For the construction of the unrooted phylogenetic tree the alignments were run through PAUP version 4.0 beta and MrBayes 3.1 software [90–92]. The maximum parsimony analysis (PAUP) was performed with heuristic algorithm and random addition of the YH25448 order sequences and bootstrap support values was calculated 1000 times. For the bayesian analysis MrBayes was executed for 1 000 000 generations with
a sample frequency of 100 using the WAG model. A burn-in of 2500 trees was used and the support values indicate the proportion of the 7500 remaining trees. The online program ModelGenerator was used to determine the optimal model (WAG) [93, 94]. For graphic outputs the resulting trees were then visualised by using Treeview [95, 96]. Table 2 Microorganisms and genes used in this study. Strain/Putative protease/Accession # Abbreviationa Proposed phylogenetic group H2ase Accession # Ref. Acetomicrobium flavidum/hydD/CAA56465 HydDAf 3d Azoarcus sp. strain BH72/hupD/YP_935294
HupDABH72 1 [78] Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413/hoxW/YP_325157 HoxWAv29413 3d Rolziracetam Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413/hupW/ABA23552 HupWAv29413 2 Desulfovibrio gigas/hynC/CAA11501 HynCDg 1 [84] Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Miyazaki F/hynC/AAY90127 HynCDv 1 hydB P21852 [69] Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris DP4/Dvul_1244/YP_966690 DvDP41 1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris DP4/Dvul_1247/YP_966693 DvDP42 1 Escherichia coli K12/hyaD/NP_415494 HyaDEc 1 [83] Escherichia coli K12/hybD/NP_417467 HybDEc 1 hybC NP_417468.1 [83] Escherichia coli K12/hycI/NP_417197 HycIEc 4 [83] Gloeothece sp. strain PCC 6909/hupW/AAS72556.1 HupWG6909 2 [44] Lyngbya sp. strain PCC 8106/hoxW/ZP_01622075 HoxWL8106 3d Lyngbya sp.