As far as the arterio-venous ophthalmic system is concerned, our data did
not show any arterial abnormality or any major venous flow alteration (i.e. absence, blocked or reversed flow). Recently, in MS patients with CCSVI, an association has been reported between ONe and Internal Jugular Vein (IJV) and Azygous Vein stenoses, with reflux in the deep cerebral veins. These findings suggest that the veins of selleck the ONr might be involved in a compensatory outflow circle towards the IJV. In our sample of MS patients we did not observe any alteration, in the ONr venous flow that supports this hypothesis. The increased CRV PI in MS patients’ unaffected eyes is intriguing and seems not associated to ONr atrophy. This could suggest a venous drainage impairment, but at present we cannot confirm this hypothesis and larger studies are needed to confirm it. The analysis of the diameter of the ONrs showed that it is possible to detect ONr atrophy in affected eyes and, at a lesser degree, also in unaffected eyes of MS patients. Maximum ONr diameter measurement seems to be more reliable than 3 mm measurement, probably because of the progressive
ONr myelination. In conclusion, ultrasound examination of ONr and its vascularisation is an easy, feasible, safe and low cost procedure and the measurement of ONr thickness can detect ONr atrophy. “
“Ultrasound techniques have an high dynamicity and therefore a good temporal resolution. Instead neuroradiological techniques have an high anatomic definition and therefore a good spatial resolution. Angiogenesis inhibitor The possibility of combining the ultrasound examination with a reference modality and to fuse this data set with the ultrasound scan could improve the understanding of the current scan situation in real time. This combination of
two diagnostic modalities may result is a faster and more reliable procedure. The Virtual Navigator allows the real-time visualization of the ultrasound scan next to the corresponding virtual slices obtained from other modalities. Its purpose is Staurosporine in vivo to enhance the informative content of images produced by an ultrasound scanner by combining them with a second modality in real-time, so combining the high temporal resolution of ultrasound techniques and the high spatial resolution of CT/MR techniques. This fusion imaging software has been used in extra-neurological applications, as abdominal ultrasound and in this setting it demonstrated a good reliability and a great improvement of focal lesion monitoring and treatment and of their identification. Neurovascular application is in a pioneering phase even for the brain arterial circulation. Ultrasound examination of cerebral veins is a harder challenge than the one of the cerebral arteries, both for the basal scanning and for the fusion imaging technique.