Left upper limb (flexed at shoulder and elbow) and the left lower limb (flexed at hip and knee) lied raised from the ground level and were held up high because of, what appears as the feet being grasped by the hand. The right leg (flexed at hip and knee) lied elevated from the ground level defying the gravity [Figures for [Figures11 and and2].2]. The direction of salivary dribbling from the mouth was directed toward the left side of the face [Figure 2]. Clues after considering the photographs The scene of occurrence of death is unlikely to be the place where the dead body was found. The victim’s dead body was disposed off, after positioning in an unusual way. The dead body must have reached the final place, after about 2 h to a maximum of 6 h after the death. The death is homicidal in nature.
DISCUSSION In India, the inquest is carried out by the police, or the magistrate, or both. It is uncommon for a medical expert to be visiting the scene of crime. Most of the information gathered by the autopsy surgeon, prior to autopsy, is by the police. However, there are rare situations where the police will request the forensic experts to visit the scene of death.[5] There is also practice of providing photographs of the scene of death, whenever necessary, to the autopsy surgeon, as was done in this case. The usual position after death is that of the supine position. The decedent’s unusual posture after death, although could be seen in some cases; could contribute to several findings such as unusual postmortem staining.[2] Rigor mortis develops in the body after death, in whatever position the body is present during its onset.
Rigor mortis is a post mortem change which is better appreciated by touch than by seeing the photographs. Rigor mortis is usually measured manually by attempting to flex or extend each joint during autopsy.[6] Rigor mortis follows primary relaxation of the muscles; it is easily possible to change the position of body parts during this period, after which the position remains stable till the rigor mortis disappears. If the position of the dead body during the primary relaxation is unusual with flexion at some major joints, it will remain rigidly in the same position during the stage of rigor mortis. If the rigor mortis is the well established stage, the flexed limbs continue to stay flexed and will defy gravity, even when the support beneath them is missing.
Unusual position in which the limbs are stiff and defy Dacomitinib gravity could be due to putrefaction as well.[1] Stiffness due to rigor mortis can be differentiated from stiffness due to putrefaction. Dead bodies with moderate or advanced putrefaction will no longer have rigor mortis.[7] In the present case, the autopsy confirms that there was no decomposition, and the stiffness seen in the unusual position, even in the photographs, is due to rigor mortis.