Simple back-projection produces a blurred image because it assume

Simple back-projection produces a blurred image because it assumes that the density distribution along the path of each ray is uniform. The density of each pixel of the projected image, however, can be related to those of the pixels in neighboring positions of the adjacent projections. The smaller the difference in the angle between adjacent projections, the greater is the resolution, and the wider the range of angles, the more complete is the three-dimensional selleck compound image. DeRosier and Klug used Fourier transforms to quantify density information of each image [7], but this approach has been superseded by developments in the digitization of images and computation. Initially, the success of electron tomography was largely restricted

to defining the three-dimensional structures of viruses and macromolecules. Its impact on other aspects of biological ultrastructure was limited until the development of dual axis tomography in the 1990s. Here, two stacks of projected images are used, the first being gained by rotating the object through a wide range of angles around R788 one axis (typically 120° in one degree steps), and then through a similar range around a second axis perpendicular to the first. Improvements in computation have meant that electron tomography

is now the method of choice for revealing the three-dimensional structure of objects with recent reports of 0.24 nm resolution [22]. Using electron tomography, Wagner et al. [25] have examined the vesicular system of endothelial cells in thick sections of muscle capillaries. They reveal isolated single vesicles in the cytoplasm and chains of fused vesicles forming channels between the plasma and the interstitial fluid. Cell press These images would have been controversial 20–30 years ago, particularly as they show terbium, which had been in the vascular perfusate, labeling trans-endothelial channels, and so implying a role of the vesicular system as a permeability pathway. From the time of Palade’s first electron micrographs of microvessels [14], it was speculated that the caveolae and small vesicles had

a role in permeability, acting as ferry-boats or shuttles across the endothelium. While such a mechanism could not account for the very rapid exchange of water and low molecular weight solutes between the plasma and the interstitial fluid, it could be responsible for the low but finite permeability of microvascular walls to macromolecules. About the same time as this role for the vesicles was first being discussed, Grotte [10] published his investigations on the passage of dextrans of differing molecular size between the plasma and the lymph. He proposed that large molecules crossed the endothelial barrier through a very small population of pores with radii in the range of 15–20 nm. These became known as the large pores in contrast to Pappenheimer’s small pores with radii of 3–4 nm that were believed to be the pathway for rapid exchanges of fluid and small solute molecules.

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