The association between variables was tested by the Pearson Chi-Square test. A paired sample t-test was used to compare the mean values of the subjective perception of risk, with the objective risk, estimated by BRCAPRO. The percentage risk of developing a tumour and of being a carrier of a genetic mutation evaluated by BRCAPRO
were compared to the percentage of perceived risk in order to assess the adequacy of the perceived risk compared to the objective risk. To make this comparison, Bluman et al. in 1999 [33] calculated the quartiles (≤ 25%, 26%-50%, 51%-75%, ≥ 76%) of both the percentage values of objective Selleckchem Y 27632 and subjective risk and after that they make a comparison between the two values. The variable, resulting from this comparison, categorizes the subjects in overestimators, accurate estimators and underestimators. Differences between groups (“”corrected”", “”under”"
and “”over”" estimators) Crizotinib in vitro with Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test were analyzed for age, number of relatives affected by cancer and for distress levels. Concordance between the subjective perception of risk and the objective risk estimated by BRCAPRO was assessed using Cohen’s k coefficient of agreement [34]. Landis and Koch proposed categories for judging K values: K less than 0.0 was considered poor, 0.00 to 0,20 was light, 0.21 to 0.40 was fair, 0.41 to 0.60 was moderate, 0.61 to 0.80 was substantial and 0.81 to 1.00 was perfect [35]. Given ratings on a K-level categorical variable, the marginal homogeneity test was used for calculated agreement between two rates summarized by a K × K cross-classification table. Given the small numbers, statistical analyses cannot be performed to assess the differences between male and female in risk perception. The SPSS (11.0) statistical program was used for the analyses. Results Description of the sample The average characteristics of the sample of 130 subjects (women/men = 119/11) are reported
in Table 2 and 3. Table 2 Descriptive results N = 130 subjects Women/Men = 119/11 Median Range Age 47 19-77 Number of relatives affected by tumours of the breast and/or ovaries 2 0-6 Number of relatives affected by other types of tumour 4.5 0-18 Frequency % Geographical Area of Origin Central Italy 100 77 Other areas (South-North-Abroad) 30 23 Civil Status Single 58 44.6 Married 72 55.4 Number of children No children 43 33.1 1 child Amino acid 26 20 + children 61 46.9 Education Primary (age 5 to 14) 27 20.8 High school (age 14 to 19) 65 50 University 38 29.2 Profession Worker 87 66.9 Unemployed 43 33.1 Eligibility Eligible 81 62.3 Non-eligible 49 37.7 Pathology Affected 42 32.3 Non-affected 88 67.7 Table 3 Descriptive results Mean Range Anxiety 7.9 0-16 Depression 5.1 0-15 Cancer Risk Perception* 38.9 0-100 Genetic Risk Perception** 39.9 0-86.8 BRCA pro Cancer Risk 10.6 0-99.1 BRCA pro Genetic Risk 18.7 0.10-66.5 Frequency % Adequacy of the cancer risk perception Overestimation 65 56.9 Adequate Estimation 38 31.