Fan-shaped crystals 0.1–0.7 mm diam formed within the agar (also numerous at 15°C) after 4–5 days from the centre, colourless, appearing red in DIC, macroscopically noted as granules, spreading across the entire colony. Numerous light brown, sterile hairy stromata 0.2–2 mm diam appearing in the centre. Autolytic excretions and coilings inconspicuous. Odour slightly mushroomy, colour white, pale yellow to greyish yellow or beige, 3A4, 3B4–6, 4B4–6, 4C5–8, plus a greenish tone. Conidiation noted after 2 weeks, first scant and effuse in the outer half of the colony, on short, erect conidiophores; later in numerous click here white, partly confluent tufts or pustules 0.3–1.5 mm diam, formed in a thick
white tomentum, mostly in the outer half of the colony, forming several concentric zones in addition to the growth zones. Conidiation within pustules dense, but the pustule margin remaining sterile. Structure of pustulate conidiation examined on Difco-PDA after 20–22
days: pustules on this medium more numerous than on Merck-PDA, large, 1–11 mm long, 1–2 mm high, with circular or oblong outline; white, turning brownish with age. Margin of pustules beset with numerous short, straight or sinuous elongations 15–300 μm long, smooth, often with semiglobose find more mucous exudates 5–6 μm long, along the entire length. Elongations tapering to 2.5–4 μm towards the narrowly or broadly rounded ends, rarely with a solitary terminal phialide. Pustules inside consisting of a dense, opaque, complex reticulum. Conidiophores
3–6 μm, at branching points to 7 μm wide, with complex, mostly symmetric, i.e. paired, and often distinctly rectangular branching. Side branches 18–50 μm long, with verticils of short, 1–2 celled side branches at right angles, slightly increasing in length downward. Phialides supported by cells (1.7–)3.0–5.0(–5.5) μm wide, solitary or paired along the conidiophores, and terminally in whorls of (2–)4–6, divergent, 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase see more sometimes appressed parallel in dense terminal whorls. Phialides (4.0–)4.5–8.0(–11.0) × 2.5–3.2(–3.7) μm, l/w (1.4–)1.6–2.8(–4), (1.7–)2.0–3.0(–3.7) μm wide at the base (n = 31), ampulliform, less commonly lageniform, short, mostly inequilateral or curved upwards. Conidia formed in minute dry heads 10–15 μm diam. Conidia (3.3–)3.8–5.5(–7.0) × 2.0–2.5(–3.0) μm, l/w (1.4–)1.6–2.4(–3.0) (n = 30), hyaline, oblong or cylindrical, less commonly ellipsoidal, smooth, with numerous minute guttules, two guttules when old; abscission scar indistinct. On SNA after 72 h 13–16 mm at 15°C, 33–40 mm at 25°C, 0–0.1 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 5–7 days at 25°C. Colony similar to that on CMD, with less conspicuous zonation. Surface hyphae soon degenerating, appearing empty. Margin hairy due to long aerial hyphae, the latter aggregating to white flakes or tufts in distal areas.