Nevertheless, it raises the question of whether the dose should b

Nevertheless, it raises the question of whether the dose should be escalated to get better LC with a tolerable complications rate. On the other hand, for nonresponders, patients presenting with extensive disease, dose escalation with image-based optimization BT and use of additional interstitial BT could be the best treatment (33). Considering the advantages of PDR BT, the present data support PDR BT for the treatment of cervical cancer with similar results to LDR BT in LC rates and few late side effects. Our results indicate that this technique

may be used to replace standard LDR BT. The clinical impact of 3D-based planning BT is demonstrated in this study, with statistically significant R428 cost better LC and should become the standard for current gynecologic BT. The American Brachytherapy Society published in 2012 guidelines concerning LDR and PDR BT and recommended adoption of GEC ESTRO recommendations and image-based

treatment planning (34). A dose escalation study in PDR BT with optimized dosimetry based on MRI is currently underway with the Tridicol French cooperative trial and the GEC ESTRO multidimensional European observational study of MRI-guided BT, “EMBRACE,” should also bring further supporting data for this method. The authors thank Selleckchem Trametinib Dorothée Quincy of Institut Bergonié for assistance in preparing the manuscript and Pippa McKelvie-Sebileau of Institut Bergonié for editorial assistance in English. “
“A bioartificial liver (BAL) machine can temporarily replace the functions of the

liver, allowing a damaged liver to regenerate while protecting the patient’s other organs from the life-threatening damage that ensues during liver failure. The technology for growing an immortalised hepatocyte Galeterone cell line (HepG2), encapsulation in alginate beads and proliferating and conditioning of the cell spheroids within the beads has been demonstrated at the large scale. However, widespread uptake of the BAL technology can only realistically be achieved with cryopreservation as a component of the manufacturing strategy. On demand manufacture of the BAL is not feasible, neither on the basis of cost nor logistics. A single disposable cassette encompassing all processing steps (perfusion, cryopreservation, cell conditioning), would greatly simplify safety and regulatory requirements, provide robust delivery to end users, and facilitate safe delivery in the clinical environment. However, for clinical delivery of a BAL, cryopreservation of up to 2 l of alginate encapsulated cell spheroids (ELS) are required in a single treatment and these would be ideally contained within a cylindrical cell cassette resulting in a packed product depth of up to 70 mm in a cylindrical chamber of length 30 cm held horizontally.

The more Pb2 + ions present in the serum the more Pb ions are inc

The more Pb2 + ions present in the serum the more Pb ions are incorporated into the bone. Moreover, in-vitro studies using synthetic HA as well as bovine bone meal found that HA has the ability to accumulate (immobilize) Pb2 +, Zn2 +, Sr2 + and other divalent

metal ions [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75] and [76]. At the moment four different pathways are suggested for the immobilization mechanisms of HA: i) ion exchange process, ii) surface complexation, iii) dissolution and precipitation and co-precipitation [69]. These mechanisms can be expected to be very similar for the other divalent ions. In these studies rather high concentrations of the heavy metals have been used. However according to Bigi et al. [77] and

Bückner et al. [78] it is likely that the accumulation mechanisms of HA for Pb2 + are also valid at low concentrations, selleckchem as they are present in humans. For Pb in bone we have shown that it almost exclusively bonds to carbonated calcium hydroxyapatite [79], which confirms the above assumptions on how Pb is incorporated into the mineralized bone matrix. Interestingly, despite high intra- and inter-individual variations in Pb (Fig. 4b) and Sr levels, a non-linear increase with Ca-content of the mineralized bone matrix was found (Figs. 6b and c). The over-proportional increase of Pb and Sr at the high mineralization range may be explained by the fact that BSUs with prolonged time of mineralization (secondary mineralization phase) reach a plateau of mineralization Selleckchem Saracatinib (about 26 wt.% Ca) [26]. However, accumulation processes, as already stated above, of Pb2 + and Sr2 + ions in the apatite crystals may be still ongoing with time, after the crystals had stopped growing by ion substitution. Sr2 +, Pb2 + and presumably all other divalent metal ions might reach the inner parts of the bone through the

vascular system in the haversian channels and bone marrow space, respectively. An animal study using radiostrontium (85Sr) showed that the Sr2 + ions pass through the wall of the vascular capillaries by diffusion to reach the interstitial fluids [80]. The same way can be assumed for Pb2 + ions. From the bone marrow space the osteocyte lacunae canaliculi network might be used as pathway for Pb2 + and Sr2 + into the mineralized bone Dichloromethane dehalogenase matrix, resulting in the observed overproportional increase of these elements compared to Ca. Though it has been reported that Zn is concomitantly incorporated with Ca during the mineralization [81], no correlation between Zn and the degree of mineralization like for Sr and Pb was detected by our measurements (Fig. 6a). This is in agreement with prior investigations of Lappalainen et al., who showed that Ca is not a significant factor for explaining the Zn concentrations in bone [82]. Therefore Zn is suggested to be under homeostatic control.

, 2006) and the authenticity of the condition is well established

, 2006) and the authenticity of the condition is well established (Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007). Despite this, our understanding of the neuropsychiatric profiles of synaesthetes remains limited and surprisingly few studies have addressed whether synaesthesia is linked to more widespread abnormalities in perception that extend beyond the synaesthetic experience itself. There is, however, Rucaparib price growing evidence to suggest that synaesthesia may be linked to a broader phenotype. For example, synaesthetes who experience colour show early processing differences to stimuli which do not evoke synaesthesia (Barnett et al., 2008); and the presence of synaesthesia has been linked with other phenotypic

manifestations including out-of-body experiences (Terhune, 2009), creativity (Ward et al., 2008), mental imagery (Barnett and Newell, 2008), and mitempfindung (Burrack et al., 2006). Here, we examined the relationship between synaesthesia involving colour and the abnormal perceptions observed in schizophrenia by assessing levels of schizotypy

in synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes. We report that synaesthesia for colour is associated with greater levels of positive and disorganised schizotypy (Fig. 1A), suggesting widespread perceptual differences in synaesthesia that extend beyond the synaesthetic concurrent. Thirty synaesthetes who experience colour as their evoked sensation (29 females; 1 male; mean age ± s.e.m = 41.5 ± 1.91 years) and thirty age and gender matched controls (29 females; 1 male; mean age ± s.e.m = 41 ± 1.93 years) took part in this study. Cases of synaesthesia were randomly 5-FU mouse selected from our own database of synaesthetes recruited via self-referral and screening of undergraduates/members of the public. All cases were confirmed using tests of consistency over time, with subjects demonstrating test–retest consistency of 85% or a score of ≤1 on the Eagleman Synaesthesia Test Battery (Eagleman et al., 2007). Participants were administered the Oxford–Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-Life; Mason

and Claridge, 2006). This is a standardized measure of schizotypy, which is designed to measure sub-clinical Cepharanthine schizophrenic-like symptoms in the general population (Cochrane et al., 2010 and Mason and Claridge, 2006). The questionnaire has been normed in typical and schizophrenic groups (Cochrane et al., 2010 and Mason and Claridge, 2006) and shown to be a sensitive and valid tool for examining schizotypy in both groups (Cochrane et al., 2010). The measure has four scales that are examined by forced-choice responses (yes/no responses): Unusual Experiences (UnEx), Introvertive Anhedonia (IntAn), Cognitive Disorganisation (CogDis), and Impulsive Non-Conformity (ImpNon). The UnEx scale measures traits related to the positive symptoms of psychosis (e.g., unusual perceptual experiences and hallucinations). IntAn examines negative aspects of schizotypy (e.g., lack of enjoyment of social activities).

Based on the data from general population, cIMT showed a slightly

Based on the data from general population, cIMT showed a slightly higher risk for stroke (hazard ratio, HR 1.32; 95% CI, 1.27–1.38) than for myocardial infarction (HR 1.26; 95% CI, 1.21–1.30). However, there are limitations to the interpretation of these results, especially concerning Panobinostat supplier variable methodology, e.g. difference in definitions of carotid segments or the way the measurements were reported. Therefore the importance of following standardized cIMT protocols is emphasized for future studies. In the clinical trials, a systematic review and

meta-analysis of the effect of LDL-lowering by statins on the change of cIMT was examined [24]. Analysis of nine lipid-lowering trials showed a strong correlation between reduction of LDL and cIMT, with each 10% reduction in LDL-cholesterol accounting for a reduction of cIMT by 0.73% per year. Although the association of cIMT and increased risk of cardiovascular events has been established, there is still a lack of sufficient evidence to show whether lowering of cIMT will translate in the reduction in CVD. Furthermore, subclinical atherosclerosis is to some extend considered

a non-causal and nonspecific marker of atherosclerotic Dasatinib price complications [2] and [25]. Diverse approaches for measuring cIMT and a lack of unified criteria for distinguishing early plaque formation from thickening of the cIMT might contribute to the fact of missing evidence on risk prediction. The implementation of standardized methods in the measurement of cIMT is necessary for further investigations

since cIMT depicts early atherosclerosis as well as nonatherosclerotic compensatory enlargement, with both phenotypes having a different impact on predicting vascular events [3] and [25]. Current studies on the effect of cardiovascular risk factors in conjunction with measures of atherosclerosis (cIMT and plaque) on risk prediction indicate a small but incremental effect for risk prediction of CVD. In the recent analysis from the community-based ARIC study among 13,145 subjects, approximately 23% individuals were Ibrutinib price reclassified into a different risk category group after adding information on cIMT and carotid plaque [11]. Adding cIMT to traditional risk factors provided the most improvement in the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC), which increased from 0.74 to 0.765. Adding plaque to the cIMT and traditional risk factors had however the best net reclassification index of 10% in the overall population. In the Cardiovascular Health Study, another population-based study among 5888 participants, the elevated CRP was associated with increased risk for CVD only among those individuals who had increased cIMT and plaque detectable on carotid ultrasound.

Our current 2 procedures for P-JS via the laparoscopic approach w

Our current 2 procedures for P-JS via the laparoscopic approach were almost the same as those via the open approach, except that continuous sutures were used instead of interrupted sutures in the duct-to-mucosal anastomosis. We

used a modified Kakita method, which is familiar to most Japanese pancreatic surgeons as a simple and safe method for open P-JS. Although an approximation of the jejunal wall and the pancreatic stump is made using 6 to 8 nonabsorbable interrupted penetrating sutures in the original Kakita method,3 only 4 sutures are used in our GSK2126458 chemical structure current procedure. We performed this procedure without Haenawa for more than 100 cases via the open approach, and our results were comparable to the general results (no data shown). There is still no accepted standard approach for restoration of pancreatic drainage after PD or MP. Among the randomized controlled trials comparing pancreaticogastrostomy with P-JS, the POPF rate in pancreaticogastrostomy was lower than in selleck chemicals llc P-JS,7 while the other results showed no difference.8 and 9 Using the invagination method, a randomized controlled trial showed that the POPF rate was lower than with duct-to-mucosal anastomosis;10 the other results showed

no difference.11 and 12 However, anxiety remains about increasing the degree of functional deterioration of the pancreas remnant.13 Regarding the significance of placing a stent, although randomized controlled trials showed that the POPF rate in the group with an external stent was lower than in the group with no stent,14 there was no difference between the groups with no stent and Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase with a short stent tube,15 and there was no difference between the groups with an external stent and with a short stent tube.16 Whichever procedure becomes standard in the future, this device is thought to be useful for laparoscopic pancreaticoenteric anastomoses

using interrupted sutures for approximating the pancreas remnant and the jejunum or stomach. Study conception and design: Honda Acquisition of data: Kurata, Okuda, Kobayashi, Yamaguchi, Matsumoto, Nakano Analysis and interpretation of data: Honda Drafting of manuscript: Honda Critical revision: Honda, Takahashi “
“The article “Resident Participation in Index Laparoscopic General Surgical Cases: Impact of the Learning Environment on Surgical Outcomes,” by S Scott Davis Jr, Farah A Husain, Edward Lin, Kalyana C Nandipati, Sebastian Perez, and John F Sweeney, which appeared in the January 2013 issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, volume 216, pages 96-104, Table 2 contained an author error in the “Age” row.

5 The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare The autho

5 The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this investigation. The authors declare that they have followed the protocols of their work centre on the publication of patient data and that all the patients included in the study have received sufficient information and have given their informed consent in writing to participate in that study. The authors have obtained the informed consent of the patients and/or subjects mentioned in the article. The author for correspondence is in possession of this document. “
“No artigo publicado recentemente por Matos et al. é feita uma revisão abrangente do tema hepatite

alcoólica aguda (HAA) e congratulamos desde já os autores pelo trabalho1. No que toca a alternativas terapêuticas para a HAA grave é proposta a find more pentoxifilina nos casos de contraindicação ao corticosteroide ou de insuficiência renal

precoce. Esta Cyclopamine datasheet proposta, concordante com recomendações internacionais, deve-se ao benefício deste fármaco na diminuição da mortalidade, assente sobretudo na diminuição da síndrome hepatorenal2. Contudo, numa meta-análise de 2009 que analisou os estudos clínicos envolvendo a pentoxifilina na terapêutica da HAA o benefício clínico foi considerado apenas possível e a qualidade da evidência não permitiu inferir conclusões quanto a um efeito positivo ou negativo3. De facto, sendo a pentoxifilina um antagonista do fator de necrose tumoral alfa poderá resultar em efeitos deletérios, nomeadamente pela inibição da regeneração hepática, tal como foi expresso pelos autores1. Numa revisão sistemática mais recente e posterior à publicação Dipeptidyl peptidase das recomendações, surgem mais indícios de um

efeito positivo benéfico da pentoxifilina, embora sem melhoria da sobrevida no 1.° mês4. No entanto, na ausência de outras alternativas terapêuticas conhecidas e perante uma entidade com sobrevida variando apenas entre 50-65% no 1.° mês2, compreende-se a opção por recorrer à pentoxifilina na HAA grave. Tal como os autores referem, a percentagem de doentes com HAA grave elegíveis para terapêutica com corticosteroides que não respondem a esta poderá atingir os 40%. Foi demonstrado o benefício da associação corticosteroides e N-acetilcisteína na redução da mortalidade no 1.° mês5. Haverá lugar a propor desde já esta associação terapêutica? Foi argumentada a escassez de estudos2, mas perante um fármaco com perfil de segurança conhecido desde há muito e uma patologia com tão elevada mortalidade, protelar a introdução da associação poderá não ser a melhor estratégia atual. Tendo em conta o exposto face à pentoxifilina, na nossa opinião, com os dados disponíveis esta associação tem pelo menos a mesma base de evidência para ser utilizada. Sem prejuízo obviamente de, tal como os autores apontam, haver necessidade de estudos adicionais, até porque não foi ainda demonstrado benefício na diminuição da mortalidade ao 6.° mês5.

The number of PCNA-positive cells was significantly lower in pacl

The number of PCNA-positive cells was significantly lower in paclitaxel-treated SKOV3ip1 tumors than in control mice (64.4 ± 17.3 vs 108.4 ± 24.7, P < .01), whereas no significant reduction was observed in response to rhLK8 treatment (74.0 ± 17.6 vs 108.4 ± 24.7, P > .05). The most significant decrease in the number of PCNA-positive cells was observed

in SKOV3ip1 tumors treated with the combination of paclitaxel and rhLK8 (41.0 ± 12.8 vs 108.4 ± 24.7, P < .01; GSK2118436 Table 2 and Figure 1A). In HeyA8 tumors, treatment with paclitaxel or rhLK8 alone did not significantly decrease the number of PCNA-positive cells (88.6 ± 16.9 vs 98.4 ± 16.1, P > .05 and 76.1 ± 20.0 vs 98.4 ± 16.1, P > .05, respectively); however, combination treatment significantly reduced the number of PCNA-positive cells (55.9

± 14.2 vs 98.4 ± 16.1, P < .01; Table 2 and Figure 1B). No significant differences in MVD were detected between control and paclitaxel-treated Ibrutinib in vivo SKOV3ip1 tumors (84.0 ± 27.5 vs 73.1 ± 20.4, P > .05); however, treatment with rhLK8 alone and, in particular, the combination of rhLK8 and paclitaxel significantly decreased MVD in SKOV3ip1 tumors as compared with the controls (44.0 ± 9.7 vs 84.0 ± 27.5, P < .01 and 29.4 ± 5.7 vs 84.0 ± 27.5, P < 0.01, respectively; Table 2 and Figure 2A). In HeyA8 tumors, MVD was significantly reduced by treatment with paclitaxel compared with the control group (40.0 ± 15.7 vs 57.1 ± 18.5, P < .05) and to a greater extent with rhLK8 alone (27.0 ± 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl 6.1 vs 57.1 ± 18.5, P < .01) or the combination of paclitaxel and rhLK8 (14.3 ± 5.0 vs 57.1 ± 18.5, P < .001; Table 2 and Figure 2B). Immunofluorescence double staining of CD31 (red) and TUNEL (green) was performed to evaluate apoptosis of tumor cells and tumor-associated endothelial cells in response to the different treatments. Apoptosis of endothelial cells is indicated by co-localization, detected by a yellow signal. In SKOV3ip1 tumors (Table 2 and Figure 3A), few tumor cells or tumor-associated endothelial cells were apoptotic in the control group.

Paclitaxel treatment significantly induced apoptosis in tumor-associated endothelial cells compared with the control group (4.0 ± 2.1 vs 0.6 ± 1.0, P < .05). A more significant increase in apoptosis was induced by rhLK8 alone (11.7 ± 4.0 vs 0.6 ± 1.0; P < .01), and the combination of the two drugs enhanced this effect (31.3 ± 9.4 vs 0.6 ± 1.0, P < .001). A similar trend was observed in HeyA8 tumors ( Table 2 and Figure 3B), in which paclitaxel significantly induced apoptosis compared to the control group (2.7 ± 1.6 vs 0.2 ± 0.4, P < .05), and the effect was enhanced by rhLK8 (7.3 ± 3.4 vs 0.2 ± 0.4, P < .01) or the combination of the two drugs (26.4 ± 10.2 vs 0.2 ± 0.4, P < .001). In the SKOV3ip1 and HeyA8 tumor models, apoptosis of tumor cells was induced only in the paclitaxel treatment group and not in the rhLK8 treatment group, whereas the combination of paclitaxel and rhLK8 intensified the apoptosis of tumor cells ( Figure 3).

(2012) The core of the Pelops anticyclonic eddy (Figures 2f–j) d

(2012). The core of the Pelops anticyclonic eddy (Figures 2f–j) displays insignificant warming relative to the surrounding area, indicating an insignificant change in the intensity of the Pelops eddy. Moreover, the grouping of eddies in the western Levantine basin (Millot, 2005 and Poulain et al., 2012) is less obvious, as there is only one anticyclonic eddy south of Crete in autumn (warm core, 21.8 °C). The core of this anticyclonic eddy displays more significant (insignificant) warming than does the surrounding area in summer, autumn and winter (spring), indicating the dominance of this eddy

and suggesting that it may become more intense in the future. In addition, about three obvious anticyclonic eddies are attributable UK-371804 to the seasonal warming gradient over the western Levantine, especially in summer and autumn, indicating that the western Levantine eddies may become more significant in the

near future. The eastern Levantine eddies (Poulain et al. 2012) are not obvious from the seasonal average SST gradient, as a 1/4° projection grid was used. Poulain et al. (2012) described the eastern Levantine eddies using altimetry data with 1/8° gridded resolutions. There is an obvious grouping of eddies in the eastern Levantine attributable to the seasonal warming gradient, especially in summer and autumn, indicating more intense eastern Levantine eddies in the future. The

Ionian sub-basin SST increases zonally from north (Gulf of Taranto) to south (west of Gulf of Sidra, Libya) in winter (13.9–17.4 °C) and autumn (18.1–22.2 °C), and from north-east (24.2 °C) to south-west (28 °C; Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia) in summer. In spring, however, the Ionian SST displays a mixed zonal and meridional gradient, ranging from 18.2 °C off the north-western Ionian coast to 20.8 °C in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia. Ionian mesoscale structures do not generally become more obvious with the seasonal SST increase, although the Ionian mesoscale eddies do become more obvious with the seasonal warming. The latter may indicate a significant increase in the intensity of Ionian mesoscale eddies in the near future. The Mid-Ionian Jet (Poulain et al. 2012) is generally obvious in the annual SST distribution (SST, 20.2 °C), most markedly in summer (SST, 25.5 °C). There is a significant difference in the SST gradient between the northern (meridional distribution) and southern (zonal distribution) Tyrrhenian sub-basin, partly due to the surface water circulation. The northern Tyrrhenian SST increases from north-east to south-west as follows: 13.6–14.6 °C (winter), 17.6–19 °C (spring), 23.2–26 °C (summer), and 16.4–19.8 °C (autumn). However, the southern Tyrrhenian SST increases zonally from south to north. The northern Tyrrhenian gyre (Poulain et al.

Mipafox had a lower IC50 value for the hen brain and for the SH-S

Mipafox had a lower IC50 value for the hen brain and for the SH-SY5Y cells when compared to the isoforms of methamidophos ( Fig. 2H and Table 2). Comparing the results of IC50 values for both species, it was possible to see buy AZD8055 that human cells (SH-SY5Y and lymphocytes) are more sensitive to the methamidophos enantiomers compared to tissues from hens. This was not true, however, for mipafox, as hen brain was more sensitive than SH-SY5Y cells ( Fig. 2H). The curves of inhibition for AChE in the brain of hens are depicted in Fig. 2D and indicate that the isoform (−)-methamidophos

was a more potent enzyme inhibitor than the (+)-methamidophos form. Human AChE in SH-SY5Y cells and erythrocytes (Fig. 2B and F) presented similar behavior to that of AChE in hen brains with the (−)-methamidophos form a more potent inhibitor than the (+)-methamidophos. The (+)-methamidophos isomer PFT�� mouse exhibited an IC50 value approximately 7 times greater than that of the (−)-methamidophos isomer for the inhibition of AChE in hen brain (Table 2). The lines of the log of percentage activity

versus inhibitor concentration demonstrated strong inverse regression coefficients in all tissue tested ( Table 2). Mipafox was used as a known inducer of OPIDN and presented a lower IC50 value for the chicken brain and an intermediate IC50 value for the SH-SY5Y aminophylline cells compared to the isoforms of methamidophos ( Fig. 2H and Table 2). Comparing the results of IC50 values for both species, it was noted that human cells (SH-SY5Y and erythrocytes) are more sensitive to the compounds tested in relation to hen tissues. These results are summarized in Table 2. The ratios of enzyme IC50 values presented in Table 2 show that the isoforms of methamidophos are stronger inhibitors for AChE than NTE. On the other hand, mipafox is a stronger inhibitor of NTE. Calpain activation was evaluated in hen brain and in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Although

(+)-methamidophos exposure resulted in a small calpain activation, neither enantiomer of methamidophos was able to produce activation of calpain statistically different from control. In contrast, mipafox was able to induce a 5% increase in the calpain activity in hen brain and a 15% increase in the human cells (Fig. 3). The results of the present study demonstrated differences between the enantiomers of methamidophos in their ability to inhibit both NTE and AChE. This study also demonstrated that these differences could be determined in vitro. Enantioseparation has become an important tool in the discernment of the actual toxic agent responsible for a particular purpose. However, when neurotoxicity studies in animals require large quantities of the compounds in question, an initial in vitro screening is useful.

Optimum pH for laccase exhibited variation which may be due to ch

Optimum pH for laccase exhibited variation which may be due to changes in the reaction caused by the substrate (syringaldazine), oxygen or the enzyme itself. The highest activity of the

produced Selleck XL184 laccase was at pH 5 with syringaldazine as a substrate in agreement with the previous work [41]. Relative high thermostability is an attractive and desirable characteristic of an enzyme. In general, the optimum temperature for laccase activities can differ from one strain to another, with a range for most fungal laccases being 50–70 °C [42], in our case, laccase had optimum temperature at 30–50 °C and rapidly lost activity at temperatures above 60 °C which might be due to breaking down the integrity of laccase protein structure and so losing much of its activity [43] and [44]. In general, laccase responds similarly to several inhibitors of enzyme activity. Many ions such as azide and halides can bind to the type 2 and type 3 copper atoms, resulting in the interruption of internal electron transfer with the subsequent inhibition of activity [45]. EDTA did not inhibit laccase activity as was observed with the laccase obtained from an unidentified basidiomycete [46]. Some of the most toxic dyes are amino-substituted azo dyes, which are often mutagenic and carcinogenic. Current methods for dye-decolorization are chemically derived and include adsorption,

chemical transformation, and incineration [47]. It has been suggested that enhanced microbial decolorization of dyes may provide a less MEK inhibitor expensive and more environmentally acceptable alternative to chemical treatment. An advantage of using fungal oxidative mechanisms to degrade azo dyes over other microorganisms is that it is possible to avoid the formation of hazardous breakdown Succinyl-CoA products such as anilines formed by the reductive cleavage of azo dyes [48]. The laccase oxidative transformation of dyes depends on their chemical structure.

The presence of ortho-hydroxy groups with respect to the azo link was found to enhance the decolorization rates of azo-dyes with laccase whereas nitro groups stabilized the dye molecules against laccase action [49]. Green synthesis of nanoparticles using microorganisms or enzymes provides advancement over chemical and physical method as it is cost effective, environment friendly, easily scaled up for large scale synthesis and in this method there is no need to use high pressure, energy, temperature and toxic chemicals [50]. Studies have shown that the secreted proteins/enzymes and reducing agents such as amino acids, peptides and organic acids in biological entities, are found to be responsible for nanoparticle production. Similarly, in this study, laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus served as a rich source for the proteins and free amino groups reducing gold into GNPs.